
Success Stories


Success Stories



Due to the rising fuel prices people are worried about their commute. The public transport is not fulfilling the demand neither in terms of capacity nor in terms of comfort. So, one of our clients came with the idea of shared commute.

What we did on this project

The platform is an innovative commute system designed to revolutionize daily travel through efficient carpooling. The app enables travelers to offer their vacant seats on predefined routes, allowing them to save on fuel costs.

To achieve this objective, we have implemented complex algorithms and leveraged extensive datasets, ensuring optimal ride-sharing matches and seamless user experiences. The app also extensively integrates mapping technology to provide precise route planning, real-time navigation, and accurate location tracking. This comprehensive approach not only enhances the convenience and cost-effectiveness of commuting but also promotes a more sustainable and eco-friendly travel solution.


  • A combined mobile app for Driver and Passenger
  • Admin
    • Reports
    • Trip History
    • Tracking
    • Wallet Management
    • Document Verification

Alef Eats


Our client requires a system that enables restaurants and grocery stores to sell their products both online and in-store using a single, integrated platform with synchronized inventory management.

What we did on this project

A comprehensive retail management system designed to seamlessly integrate POS, and eCommerce for both in-store and online sales. This system offers robust inventory management features, ensuring real-time tracking and control over stock levels. It provides a unified platform where businesses can efficiently handle sales transactions, monitor inventory, and manage customer data. With features such as sales analytics, order processing, and customer relationship management (CRM), this system empowers retailers to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive business growth. Additionally, the system supports various payment methods, offers detailed reporting tools, and ensures data security and compliance with industry standards.

The client provided the initial concept, and our team meticulously developed the entire workflow. We crafted the design, ensuring a seamless and intuitive user interface (UI) and user experience (UX).


  • Restaurant POS
  • Kitchen Screen
  • General Retail POS
  • eCommerce Marketplace Web
  • eCommerce Marketplace Mobile App
  • Admin
  • Admin App for eCommerce Order Management
  • Super Admin

Alef Express


The client requires a comprehensive commute system similar to traditional taxis, allowing fare negotiation. Additionally, the system should offer shared rides and delivery services.

What we did on this project

This project involved developing a versatile commute system offering shared and private rides.

Key Features:
  • Negotiable Fare System: Users can negotiate fares with drivers in real-time, simulating a face-to-face bargaining experience.
  • Bilingual and Multi-Country Support: Operates in multiple languages and across various countries for broad accessibility.
  • Open APIs for Deliveries: Supports integration with delivery services, making it useful for both passenger transport and goods delivery.
Additional Features:
  • User-Friendly Interface: Ensures a smooth booking process with an intuitive design.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Provides transparency and peace of mind with real-time ride tracking.
  • Secure Payment Methods: Supports various secure payment options.
  • Scalable Architecture: Built to handle increasing user loads and expand to new regions efficiently.

This commute system enhances user engagement and accessibility, offering a reliable transportation solution with innovative features.


  • A combined mobile app for Driver and Passenger
  • Admin
    • Reports
    • Trip History
    • Tracking
    • Wallet Management
    • Document Verification

Adeel Fragrance


An eCommerce platform tailored specifically for a perfume business, featuring a website design that fully embodies and reflects the brand's unique identity.

What we did on this project

We designed and developed the required system, incorporating Google Maps for location services and internet payment gateways for online payment collection in Australia.


  • A Responsive eCommerce Website
  • Admin

Alhamd Stationers


They are both a wholesaler and retailer of stationery items, managing a high volume of transactions both in-store and online. As a result, they require a comprehensive, single-window solution to streamline their operations. Additionally, the business is backed by financers, making daily reporting and profit distribution a critical challenge that needs to be addressed efficiently.

What we did on this project

To address the challenges faced by the stationery wholesaler and retailer, we propose implementing an integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system with the following key features:

  • Unified Transaction Management: Integrate in-store and online sales for seamless transaction handling.
  • Inventory Management: Real-time stock tracking and automated reordering to maintain optimal inventory levels.
  • Financial Management: Automated daily reporting and a customized module for accurate profit distribution to financers.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Manage customer data and interactions to enhance service and loyalty programs.
  • Analytics and Insights: Advanced analytics and a centralized dashboard for real-time business insights.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Modular and cloud-based design for scalability and remote access.
  • User Training and Support: Comprehensive training and ongoing support for smooth system adoption.

This ERP system will streamline operations, improve financial reporting, and efficiently manage profit distribution, supporting business growth and operational efficiency.


  • eCommerce Website –Responsive
  • eCommerce Mobile
  • POS (Point of Sale)
  • Admin
    • Reporting
    • CRM
    • Investors
    • Procurement
    • Inventory Management

Public Sector Educational Institute


They require support for bug fixing and feature enhancements on their currently operating admission portal. This support includes addressing existing issues to ensure smooth functionality and implementing new features to improve the user experience and efficiency of the portal.

What we did on this project

We undertook numerous tasks to streamline and enhance the process, making it more dynamic. This included improving & optimizing database queries and refactoring code to significantly enhance performance.


  • Admission Portal

Simulation System


They require a training simulator system to minimize the physical involvement of instructors while providing streaming control capabilities. Additionally, they need a robust solution for internal communication.

What we did on this project

The project involved developing a sophisticated training simulator for a rescue school. The system facilitates live streaming of predefined rescue scenarios to a group of students, providing an immersive and interactive learning experience. The instructor has full control over the streaming process, with functionalities including moving backward or forward, playing, pausing, and stopping the stream. This allows the instructor to effectively guide the students through each scenario, ensuring they fully understand and engage with the training material. The simulator is designed to enhance the practical skills and decision-making abilities of the students, preparing them for real-life rescue operations.


  • Admin
  • Client
  • Chat room
  • The system is fully responsive and mobile friendly

Cotton Concept


This assignment involves developing a front-end for a showcase website using external APIs. Although the project is small, it requires careful attention to detail to effectively integrate and display data from these APIs.

What we did on this project

We developed a simple yet visually appealing catalog website for a business specializing in curtains and bedsheets. The client desired a platform to showcase their product range in a PINTEREST-style layout, emphasizing aesthetics and ease of navigation.


  • Frontend Website

Ace Consultants


Ace Consultants is a management consulting firm specializing in HR and financial services. We were tasked with building their official website to enhance their online presence and effectively communicate their expertise.

What we did on this project

We developed a responsive website on given design by the client.


  • Frontend website
  • Admin for publishing blogs

KE Feb


Kashif Enterprise is an iron and steel fabrication company. We were tasked with building their official website to enhance their online presence and effectively communicate their expertise and portfolio.

What we did on this project

We developed a responsive website on given design by the client.


  • Frontend Website

Australia Secrete Real Estate


A real estate agent requires an official website that includes a classified section for placing property advertisements. This website will enable him to showcase listings, provide detailed property information, and reach a broader audience effectively.

What we did on this project

We developed a responsive website based on the client's provided design. The website includes comprehensive listings and detailed advertisements for all properties. Additionally, it features a robust search function with various filters, allowing users to easily find their desired property.


  • Frontend website
  • Admin for ads



The foundational system had been previously developed, albeit with some glitches, and the client sought to enhance its functionality. The challenge lay in augmenting the system within the framework of someone else's architecture. This required a thorough understanding of the existing structure and meticulous planning to ensure seamless integration of new features while addressing existing issues.

What we did on this project

In the initial phase, we focused on rectifying existing issues to ensure the system was operational and running smoothly. Once stabilized, we proceeded to implement additional functionalities, starting with the integration of a user module. Following this, we incorporated video streaming capabilities into the system, enhancing its versatility and user experience. This phased approach allowed us to systematically address priorities while progressively expanding the system's capabilities.


  • Frontend website
  • Video streaming
  • Admin

RIS - School Management System


A dedicated group is managing a chain of non-formal education schools aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children. In addition to educational support, they offer financial assistance to the families of these children. The primary challenge they face is efficiently maintaining records of students, handling admission requests, managing teacher information, and tracking student attendance.

This system aims to address the administrative challenges faced by the group, allowing them to focus more on delivering quality education and supporting the families. The efficient management of records and processes ensures that the schools operate smoothly, and the children receive the attention and resources they need.

What we did on this project

We built a comprehensive school management system to streamline the management of activities. Additionally, we provide a role-based operation to minimize administrative work, allowing teachers to directly update records within the system.


  • Role Based Admin

We excel in offering effective project management, sincere guidance, meticulous design, and exceptional software development skills. Are you facing any challenges or looking to embark on a new project? We would be delighted to share our knowledge and provide valuable insights.

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